What a Great WAYC Spring Youth Retreat!

Check out our photos on our Facebook page from the West Area Youth Council’s Spring Youth Retreat 2025. It was a great, great weekend! https://www.facebook.com/KentuckyKBY/

Number of youth and adults attending: 72
Number of West Area churches participating: 10
Gallons of painted rocks laid on the labyrinth : 15
Gatherings for communion around the Lord’s Table: 3
Number of cinnamon rolls consumed: We lost count. 🙂



Do you have some great student leaders in your church? The West Area Youth Council (WAYC) is seeking high school students who are active in their churches and have gifts for leadership. Candidates must be willing to attend meetings (either virtually or in-person) and events to help plan and lead ministries.

The application deadline is typically scheduled in August for each school year. To see last year’s application, click this link: West Area Youth Council Flyer & Application. Help us spread the word about this unique opportunity for leadership development. Questions? Contact the West Area Office (270) 821-1332.

More Resources at Ministries Across Generations

Disciples Home Missions’ Ministries Across Generations offers almost 100 pages of resources, tips, and trainings to start or enhance your ministry. https://www.docfamiliesandchildren.org